Monday, June 16, 2008

Mission: Outfits & Earrings

Saturday AM, my mom, myself & the girlies set off to Burlington. We had an mission: get outfits for G&G's anniversary party next weekend, and get Roonies ears pierced. The day started off good... we went to some stores in Williston. Em was pretty good, she only tried to run off a few times and didn't scream much. Her mouth did run non stop, but at least she wasn't screaming and carrying on... yet.

So we got to the mall, and after much debate, finally settled on getting the girls chicken nugget happy meals. We ate lunch, then set out for Claires or whatever it's called to get Roonies ears pierced. She was so antsy to be out of her stroller and just run around, that she wouldn't let me hold her. Emma was grabbing every pair of earrings any necklace or headband, that she could get her chubby little fingers on, then would try and run for the door. I filled out all the papers, and finally, I'm sitting there holding Makayla's head while they pierce her ears... (they did them at the same time thankfully!)

She wasn't too impressed... as you can see (about 5 seconds after the previous).

Then, she got to see that beautiful, chubby little face in the mirror, and all was right with the world. (no even 30 seconds after the first pic).
Part of our mission there was complete. Yay! Next, we needed to get outfits. We headed for JCPenney because they were having a huge sale.. although all the stores were really. Went right for the little girls clothes. My mom and I are ohing and ahing over cute little dresses, I turn around and there is Emma, buck naked. SHE wanted to try on a dress obviously! I busted out laughing and said "put your clothes back on!" She starts whinning, "I haffa try on that dress!" Between the whines and laughs (my mom was hiding behind a rack laughing hystarically mind you), I managed to get the clothes (including undies) back on.
We find two cute dresses... then head for shoes. Emma tried on a pair of hooched up hooker shoes that she TOTALLY thought she had to have. Please... even I wouldn't try to pull THOSE off! :) We found a couple cute pairs, then off we were to find outfits for us...
We chased Emma through racks of clothes, under tables, you name it, we chased, all while trying to try on clothes, keep Makayla occupied, and hush a screaming, running, crazy 3 year old! She tried to run over some poor sap aimlessly walking down the aisle, minding his own business. He gave her an "it's ok" smile, but I could totally tell he was swearing "what a little brat" in his head.
We somehow got outfits.. (mine was half off of course) and managed to leave with everything that we came with, including Em even though I thought about leaving her behind... not really, but damn!
We got in the car and Roonies was out before we backed out of the parking spot.. Emma was about 20 seconds later.
Mission: Complete.

1 comment:

  1. How dare you not take Em's picture nakey in the store :) LOL
