Monday, September 29, 2008

Mama I love you.

My kids seem to be alot more wild lately. It's not even hyper. It's like they're trying to compete with each other to see who can be the loudest, baddest kid around. They run laps around the house. Take things from the other just to hear the other scream. Push each other around. And not like a gental push, like, shoving hoping to see blood. Hold the cat in the air by her tail. Pull the dogs ears and sit on him like a horse.
When is the craziness going to stop! They're good girls, don't get me wrong. They say their please and thank yous. They cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze... well, Em does. Mak doesn't really get that yet. But still. They're good! Why must they be bad? To test my patience? To see if I'll let them stay with their grandparents for a week, not just for the night?
Aw well. I guess some day I'll look back and wish they were still the darling 1 & 3 year olds that would stop talking/screaming/running/crying/whinning for a brief second to say "mama, I love you so much" and make the talking/screaming/running/crying/whinning not even matter.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


We're headed to Maine on Thursday. I cannot WAIT!!! We'll be there until Sunday, just long enough to get in a little vacation. We go with a big group of family & friends, so that will be nice not having to worry about watching the girls the whole time. They both currently have a cold, which I hope clears up by then. We can't wait though! Hopefully it's a hoot! And hopefully I don't over eat too bad. Or over drink. :)