Friday, October 3, 2008

Remote Controlled Chairs

I went to lunch with my co-worker lady friends today. It was great! We got to chat, eat, and not be bothered by the red neck boys we work with. With there, I bumped into Barb and her sister. The girlies go to Barb's on Monday & Friday... have for years. In turn, they call her Grammy. :) So, Grammy & I had the following conversation...
GB: So this morning, we couldn't find Makayla. Dave thought maybe she went in Marions room.
Me: What does she do in Marion's room?
GB: Oh, she likes to go in and play with the remote...
Me: To the TV?
BG: No. There's a remote that goes to her chair. Dave went in and Marion was going up and down, up and down, back and forth, back and forth, and Makayla was just standing there with a big grin on her face and her chubby little figers pressing the up / down buttons!
I was unable to speak as I was trying to contain my laughter.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! So the lady was actually IN the chair??

