Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Melting Mama's heart...

I've always loved music. I can remember loving New Kids on The Block so much, that I had everything from bed sheets, to 4x5 posters on my wall, shirts, dolls, sleeping bag, lunch box. You name it, I had it.
So, it wasn't a shock when I got older and became what's the word... I won't say obsessed, because that's rather stalkerish, how about, fell in love with the music and looks of the Backstreet Boys. This was about 10 years ago. In that 10 year span, I've gone to 5 (6 this Saturday) concerts, paid $250 to go to NYC to meet on of them (the money went to charity!) had my walls & ceiling covered in posters. I litterally mean covered - from ceiling to floor. Had countless CD's, memorabilia. You name it - I've been a devoted fan.
My dream has been that one day, at least one of my children would show an interest in music and concerts. So I could share with her the enjoyment of traveling around New England, or the US for all I know, watching her favorite play. Ahhhh the feeling.
Emma has started a "love" for Taylor Swift. I love it. LOVE. IT. She knows her song lyrics, has a t-shirt that she'd wear everyday if I let her, and has told me that she's going to come over and play some day. Very cute.
Last night did it for me. We were going home and she says, TOTALLY out of the blue and randomly:
"Mom. Someday, I'm gonna go to a concert. BackSeeBoys. And I'm gonna dance and sing reeeeeally loud".
She then found a BSB poster that came with a CD I've had well over a year. She wanted it put in HER room, right over her bed. Does she know how to melt her mama's heart or what...

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